Sydney Women's Film Group

The Sydney Women's Film Group (SWFG) was a collective group of women members of the Sydney Filmmakers' Cooperative (SFMC) whose interest was in distributing and exhibiting films by, for and about women. From the beginning a group with feminist intentions and outlook, it was contemporaneous with, and part of, the Women's Liberation Movement in Sydney in the 1970s. In 1978 Feminist Film Workers, a smaller closed group of SWFG members was formed in response to "the growing apolitical and amorphous quality of the SWFG", continuing distribution and exhibition work and making more explicit the group's feminist intentions and outlook.

Sydney Women's Film Group

The Sydney Women's Film Group (SWFG) was a collective group of women members of the Sydney Filmmakers' Cooperative (SFMC) whose interest was in distributing and exhibiting films by, for and about women. From the beginning a group with feminist intentions and outlook, it was contemporaneous with, and part of, the Women's Liberation Movement in Sydney in the 1970s. In 1978 Feminist Film Workers, a smaller closed group of SWFG members was formed in response to "the growing apolitical and amorphous quality of the SWFG", continuing distribution and exhibition work and making more explicit the group's feminist intentions and outlook.