Tómas Sæmundsson

Tómas Sæmundsson (Jun 7 1807 – May 17, 1841) was an Icelandic priest, and one of the Fjölnismenn, a group of Icelandic intellectuals who spearheaded the revival of Icelandic national consciousness and gave rise to the Icelandic Independence Movement. According to author Daisy Neijmann, he was "one of the era's most fervent nationalists". Tómas is quoted by J. R. R. Tolkien as saying "Málin eru höfuðeínkenni þjóðanna..." (Languages are the chief distinguishing marks of peoples ...): — Tómas Sæmundsson.

Tómas Sæmundsson

Tómas Sæmundsson (Jun 7 1807 – May 17, 1841) was an Icelandic priest, and one of the Fjölnismenn, a group of Icelandic intellectuals who spearheaded the revival of Icelandic national consciousness and gave rise to the Icelandic Independence Movement. According to author Daisy Neijmann, he was "one of the era's most fervent nationalists". Tómas is quoted by J. R. R. Tolkien as saying "Málin eru höfuðeínkenni þjóðanna..." (Languages are the chief distinguishing marks of peoples ...): — Tómas Sæmundsson.