Tōkai Transport Service Jōhoku Line

The Jōhoku Line (城北線, Jōhoku-sen) is a Japanese commuter rail line between Kachigawa Station in Kasugai and Biwajima Station in Kiyosu in Aichi Prefecture. Trains are operated by Tokai Transport Service Company, or TKJ in short, while its rail facilities belong to Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central). TKJ, a wholly owned subsidiary of JR Central, operates this line.

Tōkai Transport Service Jōhoku Line

The Jōhoku Line (城北線, Jōhoku-sen) is a Japanese commuter rail line between Kachigawa Station in Kasugai and Biwajima Station in Kiyosu in Aichi Prefecture. Trains are operated by Tokai Transport Service Company, or TKJ in short, while its rail facilities belong to Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central). TKJ, a wholly owned subsidiary of JR Central, operates this line.