TTT (education)

Thalir Thiran Thittam (TTT; Tamil: தளிர்த் திறன் திட்டம்; Gujarati: ટિમ ટિમ તારા, romanized: Tim Tim Tara; Hindi: टिम टिम तारे, romanized: Tim Tim Tare) is a life skills-based educational programme primarily designed for children and adolescents. With a motto of "Transformational Change Through Awareness, it was launched in 2008 by Madurai-based Aparajitha Foundations (the corporate social responsibility arm of Aparajitha Corporate Services. TTT has provided life skills education to 5,305,250 students at 39,498 schools in five Indian states (Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh) through the state education departments. Its objective is the development of life skills, essential to face the challenges of modern life, which are not provided in the regular school curricul

TTT (education)

Thalir Thiran Thittam (TTT; Tamil: தளிர்த் திறன் திட்டம்; Gujarati: ટિમ ટિમ તારા, romanized: Tim Tim Tara; Hindi: टिम टिम तारे, romanized: Tim Tim Tare) is a life skills-based educational programme primarily designed for children and adolescents. With a motto of "Transformational Change Through Awareness, it was launched in 2008 by Madurai-based Aparajitha Foundations (the corporate social responsibility arm of Aparajitha Corporate Services. TTT has provided life skills education to 5,305,250 students at 39,498 schools in five Indian states (Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh) through the state education departments. Its objective is the development of life skills, essential to face the challenges of modern life, which are not provided in the regular school curricul