
Tacet is Latin which translates literally into English as "(it) is silent" (pronounced: /ˈteɪsɪt/, /ˈtæsɪt/, or /ˈtɑːkɛt/). It is a musical term to indicate that an instrument or voice does not sound, also known as a rest. In vocal polyphony and in orchestral scores, it usually indicates a long period of time, typically an entire movement. In more modern music such as jazz, tacet tends to mark considerably shorter breaks. Multirests, or multiple-measure rests, are rests which last multiple measures (or multiple rests, each of which lasts an entire measure). — Thomas Busby (1827)


Tacet is Latin which translates literally into English as "(it) is silent" (pronounced: /ˈteɪsɪt/, /ˈtæsɪt/, or /ˈtɑːkɛt/). It is a musical term to indicate that an instrument or voice does not sound, also known as a rest. In vocal polyphony and in orchestral scores, it usually indicates a long period of time, typically an entire movement. In more modern music such as jazz, tacet tends to mark considerably shorter breaks. Multirests, or multiple-measure rests, are rests which last multiple measures (or multiple rests, each of which lasts an entire measure). — Thomas Busby (1827)