
Tagatose is a hexose monosaccharide. It is found in small quantities in a variety of foods, and has attracted attention as an artificial sweetener. It is often found in dairy products, because it is formed when milk is heated. It is similar in texture and appearance to sucrose (table sugar):215 and is 92% as sweet,:198 but with only 38% of the calories.:209 Tagatose is generally recognized as safe by the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization, and has been since 2001. Since it is metabolized differently from sucrose, tagatose has a minimal effect on blood glucose and insulin levels. Tagatose is also approved as a tooth-friendly ingredient for dental products. Consumption of more than about 30 grams of tagatose in a dose can cause gastric disturbance, as it is m


Tagatose is a hexose monosaccharide. It is found in small quantities in a variety of foods, and has attracted attention as an artificial sweetener. It is often found in dairy products, because it is formed when milk is heated. It is similar in texture and appearance to sucrose (table sugar):215 and is 92% as sweet,:198 but with only 38% of the calories.:209 Tagatose is generally recognized as safe by the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization, and has been since 2001. Since it is metabolized differently from sucrose, tagatose has a minimal effect on blood glucose and insulin levels. Tagatose is also approved as a tooth-friendly ingredient for dental products. Consumption of more than about 30 grams of tagatose in a dose can cause gastric disturbance, as it is m