Tajikistani ruble

The rouble or ruble (Tajik: рубл) was the currency of Tajikistan between 10 May 1995 and 29 October 2000. It was subdivided into 100 tanga, although no coins or banknotes were issued denominated in tanga. In fact, this currency was only issued as paper money, with denominations to up to 1,000 rubles.

Tajikistani ruble

The rouble or ruble (Tajik: рубл) was the currency of Tajikistan between 10 May 1995 and 29 October 2000. It was subdivided into 100 tanga, although no coins or banknotes were issued denominated in tanga. In fact, this currency was only issued as paper money, with denominations to up to 1,000 rubles.