Take Stock in Children

Take Stock in Children Inc. (TSIC) is a nonprofit organization founded by Don Pemberton in 1995 and based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The organization aims to provide mentors and college scholarships to low-income students in Florida, in order to help students graduate and successfully enter a career. Since its inception, over 24,000 children have been enrolled in the Take Stock in Children program, which is active in over 800 Florida schools.

Take Stock in Children

Take Stock in Children Inc. (TSIC) is a nonprofit organization founded by Don Pemberton in 1995 and based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The organization aims to provide mentors and college scholarships to low-income students in Florida, in order to help students graduate and successfully enter a career. Since its inception, over 24,000 children have been enrolled in the Take Stock in Children program, which is active in over 800 Florida schools.