
Tanuter (Old Armenian: տանուտէր, literally house + lord) was the head of an Armenian nakharar house in ancient and medieval Armenia. Prior to the Russian annexation of Eastern Armenia in 1828, the village headmen of a melikdom carried the title. * v * t * e ТАНУТЕР не армянское слово, а композит из древнегреческих слов - tanu [др. греч.] – править, управлять. teras [др.греч.] – предвестник.


Tanuter (Old Armenian: տանուտէր, literally house + lord) was the head of an Armenian nakharar house in ancient and medieval Armenia. Prior to the Russian annexation of Eastern Armenia in 1828, the village headmen of a melikdom carried the title. * v * t * e ТАНУТЕР не армянское слово, а композит из древнегреческих слов - tanu [др. греч.] – править, управлять. teras [др.греч.] – предвестник.