Taranga (magazine)

Taranga or Tharanga is a major Kannada weekly family interest magazine, published in Karnataka, India, which has its headquarters in Manipal, Karnataka. Taranga covers topics such as short stories, poems, serialized fiction, spirituality, health, travel and technology, cookery, fashion, beauty, film news, sports, culture etc. It publishes cartoons too, on politics society. For the past 15 years, Sandhya Pai has been the Managing editor, of the magazine.

Taranga (magazine)

Taranga or Tharanga is a major Kannada weekly family interest magazine, published in Karnataka, India, which has its headquarters in Manipal, Karnataka. Taranga covers topics such as short stories, poems, serialized fiction, spirituality, health, travel and technology, cookery, fashion, beauty, film news, sports, culture etc. It publishes cartoons too, on politics society. For the past 15 years, Sandhya Pai has been the Managing editor, of the magazine.