Tasos Georgiou Vatikiotis

Tasos Vatikiotis (born March 20, 1977) is a former professional soccer player who played with Ethnikos Asteras Football Club, a 1st division professional team at the time (1998-1999), in Athens, Greece and USL's Delaware Wizards in (1997-1998), which was D.C. United's farm team at the time. He played at the top 20 nationally ranked soccer program at Loyola University Maryland from 1994-1998. Prior to college, Vatikiotis played club ball with nationally ranked VISTA Blackwatch and Springfield Nationals where he led both clubs in scoring. He finished the 1993-1994 season as the overall leading goal scorer for both the NCSL's Elite Division 1 League and Virginia's State Cup tournament, which is part of the US Youth Soccer National Championship Series. Vatikiotis was coached, among others, by

Tasos Georgiou Vatikiotis

Tasos Vatikiotis (born March 20, 1977) is a former professional soccer player who played with Ethnikos Asteras Football Club, a 1st division professional team at the time (1998-1999), in Athens, Greece and USL's Delaware Wizards in (1997-1998), which was D.C. United's farm team at the time. He played at the top 20 nationally ranked soccer program at Loyola University Maryland from 1994-1998. Prior to college, Vatikiotis played club ball with nationally ranked VISTA Blackwatch and Springfield Nationals where he led both clubs in scoring. He finished the 1993-1994 season as the overall leading goal scorer for both the NCSL's Elite Division 1 League and Virginia's State Cup tournament, which is part of the US Youth Soccer National Championship Series. Vatikiotis was coached, among others, by