Tavannes–Noirmont railway

The Tavannes–Noirmont railway is a metre-gauge railway in western Switzerland. It was operated by the Tavannes–Noirmont Railway (French: Chemin de fer Tavannes–Noirmont, CTN), which was formed in 1913 from the merger of the Tramelan-Tavannes Railway (Chemin de fer de Tramelan–Tavannes, TT) and the Tramelan-Breuleux-Noirmont Railway (Chemin de fer Tramelan–Breuleux–Noirmont, TBN). The line was electrified in 1913 and has belonged to the Chemins de fer du Jura (CJ) since 1944.

Tavannes–Noirmont railway

The Tavannes–Noirmont railway is a metre-gauge railway in western Switzerland. It was operated by the Tavannes–Noirmont Railway (French: Chemin de fer Tavannes–Noirmont, CTN), which was formed in 1913 from the merger of the Tramelan-Tavannes Railway (Chemin de fer de Tramelan–Tavannes, TT) and the Tramelan-Breuleux-Noirmont Railway (Chemin de fer Tramelan–Breuleux–Noirmont, TBN). The line was electrified in 1913 and has belonged to the Chemins de fer du Jura (CJ) since 1944.