Taxi 0-22

Taxi 0-22 is a popular Canadian television comedy series, which airs on TVA, a Quebec-based French language network in Canada. The series stars Patrick Huard as Montreal cab driver Rogatien Dubois Jr. The first season is predominantly set inside Dubois's dark blue taxi, a Ford Crown Victoria, and the comedy unfolds through his interactions – usually opinionated and deeply held – with the guest stars and other passengers who ride in his cab. Season two expanded the show's narrative to focus more on stories and characters outside of his taxi. Dubois speaks a thickly accented and rapidly delivered Quebec slang.

Taxi 0-22

Taxi 0-22 is a popular Canadian television comedy series, which airs on TVA, a Quebec-based French language network in Canada. The series stars Patrick Huard as Montreal cab driver Rogatien Dubois Jr. The first season is predominantly set inside Dubois's dark blue taxi, a Ford Crown Victoria, and the comedy unfolds through his interactions – usually opinionated and deeply held – with the guest stars and other passengers who ride in his cab. Season two expanded the show's narrative to focus more on stories and characters outside of his taxi. Dubois speaks a thickly accented and rapidly delivered Quebec slang.