
Teekyu (Japanese: てーきゅう, Hepburn: Tēkyū) is a sports comedy manga series serialized in Earth Star Entertainment's Comic Earth Star from February 2012 to January 2018. Its name is a pun on the Japanese word for tennis, teikyū (庭球). The manga has been adapted into an anime television series, which ran from 2012 to 2017. Another spin-off manga series named Usakame (うさかめ) which features the Tennis Club's opponents was released in 2015. It has had three tankōbon releases so far, and also received a 12-episode anime adaptation in 2016.


Teekyu (Japanese: てーきゅう, Hepburn: Tēkyū) is a sports comedy manga series serialized in Earth Star Entertainment's Comic Earth Star from February 2012 to January 2018. Its name is a pun on the Japanese word for tennis, teikyū (庭球). The manga has been adapted into an anime television series, which ran from 2012 to 2017. Another spin-off manga series named Usakame (うさかめ) which features the Tennis Club's opponents was released in 2015. It has had three tankōbon releases so far, and also received a 12-episode anime adaptation in 2016.