Teen Choice Award for Choice Summer TV Star: Male

The following is a list of Teen Choice Award winners and nominees for Choice Summer TV Star: Male. The award was first introduced in 2009 with Daren Kagasoff being the inaugural winner. Choice Summer TV Star: Male has been won by Tyler Blackburn, Ian Harding and Tyler Posey the most times, with two wins each one. Posey is the most nominated actor in this category with seven nominations. In 2018, the award was introduced as Choice Summer TV Star with the nominees, Male and Females being in the same category.

Teen Choice Award for Choice Summer TV Star: Male

The following is a list of Teen Choice Award winners and nominees for Choice Summer TV Star: Male. The award was first introduced in 2009 with Daren Kagasoff being the inaugural winner. Choice Summer TV Star: Male has been won by Tyler Blackburn, Ian Harding and Tyler Posey the most times, with two wins each one. Posey is the most nominated actor in this category with seven nominations. In 2018, the award was introduced as Choice Summer TV Star with the nominees, Male and Females being in the same category.