Telekom Malaysia Cycling Team

Telekom Malaysia Cycling Team is an cycling team based in the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The team are founded to participate in the Tour de Langkawi. Telekom Malaysia Cycling Team's most prominent riders are New Zealand's Graeme Miller, Hong Kong's Wong Kam-po, Indonesia's Tonton Susanto, Iran's Ghader Mizbani Iranagh and Malaysia's and . The team's title sponsor is Telekom Malaysia, which is the largest telecommunication company in Malaysia and also Southeast Asia's second-largest telecommunication company.

Telekom Malaysia Cycling Team

Telekom Malaysia Cycling Team is an cycling team based in the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The team are founded to participate in the Tour de Langkawi. Telekom Malaysia Cycling Team's most prominent riders are New Zealand's Graeme Miller, Hong Kong's Wong Kam-po, Indonesia's Tonton Susanto, Iran's Ghader Mizbani Iranagh and Malaysia's and . The team's title sponsor is Telekom Malaysia, which is the largest telecommunication company in Malaysia and also Southeast Asia's second-largest telecommunication company.