Temple Lodges Abney Park

The Abney Park Temple Lodges are gatehouses to Abney Park Cemetery designed by William Hosking, to Abney Park in the London Borough of Hackney. The lodges are composed mainly of stone building materials and designed in an Egyptian Revival style, which was unusual for the time period of which the lodges were conceptualized. Augustis Pugin Jr. was famously against the non-European design of the lodges despite public fascination of Egyptology at the time.

Temple Lodges Abney Park

The Abney Park Temple Lodges are gatehouses to Abney Park Cemetery designed by William Hosking, to Abney Park in the London Borough of Hackney. The lodges are composed mainly of stone building materials and designed in an Egyptian Revival style, which was unusual for the time period of which the lodges were conceptualized. Augustis Pugin Jr. was famously against the non-European design of the lodges despite public fascination of Egyptology at the time.