Teniente Primero Manuel Irala Fernández

Teniente Primero Manuel Irala Fernández is a district and locality in the Presidente Hayes Department of Paraguay. It is located 580 km from Asunción and has a population of 25,890 inhabitants. It was established as a category by means of law 3000/06. The district was previously known as 25 Leguas and belonged to Villa Hayes, until it was disaffected in the aforementioned year. It is one of the richest and richest districts of the Chaco in terms of its nature as well as in the number of forts and historical sites of the War that are within its more than 13,000 km² of surface. - See more at:

Teniente Primero Manuel Irala Fernández

Teniente Primero Manuel Irala Fernández is a district and locality in the Presidente Hayes Department of Paraguay. It is located 580 km from Asunción and has a population of 25,890 inhabitants. It was established as a category by means of law 3000/06. The district was previously known as 25 Leguas and belonged to Villa Hayes, until it was disaffected in the aforementioned year. It is one of the richest and richest districts of the Chaco in terms of its nature as well as in the number of forts and historical sites of the War that are within its more than 13,000 km² of surface. - See more at: