
Terrazo is a book written in 1947 by Puerto Rican writer Abelardo Diaz Alfaro. The book won many awards, including that of the Sociedad de Periodistas Universitario y Instituto de Literatura Puertorriqueña, and made it to the national libraries of many other Latin American countries where Diaz Alfaro was a known and respected writer. The book has been considered by many as one of the tools that helped Puerto Rican people realize the ways, stories and life of the poor in Puerto Rico's past.


Terrazo is a book written in 1947 by Puerto Rican writer Abelardo Diaz Alfaro. The book won many awards, including that of the Sociedad de Periodistas Universitario y Instituto de Literatura Puertorriqueña, and made it to the national libraries of many other Latin American countries where Diaz Alfaro was a known and respected writer. The book has been considered by many as one of the tools that helped Puerto Rican people realize the ways, stories and life of the poor in Puerto Rico's past.