Tezozomoctli (Cuauhtitlan)

Tezozomoctli (originally Teçoçomoctli; ruled 1418–1430) was a tlatoani ("ruler" or "king") of the pre-Columbian Nahua altepetl (city-state) of Cuauhtitlan in central Mexico. His palace was located at . Tezozomoctli was born at the Mexica city of Tlatelolco. His father was Tlacateotl, who was the second tlatoani of Tlatelolco. His mother was Xiuhtomiyauhtzin, the daughter of the tlatoani of Coatl Ichan, Acolmiztli. Tezozomoctli was probably named after his great-grandfather, the powerful ruler of Azcapotzalco.

Tezozomoctli (Cuauhtitlan)

Tezozomoctli (originally Teçoçomoctli; ruled 1418–1430) was a tlatoani ("ruler" or "king") of the pre-Columbian Nahua altepetl (city-state) of Cuauhtitlan in central Mexico. His palace was located at . Tezozomoctli was born at the Mexica city of Tlatelolco. His father was Tlacateotl, who was the second tlatoani of Tlatelolco. His mother was Xiuhtomiyauhtzin, the daughter of the tlatoani of Coatl Ichan, Acolmiztli. Tezozomoctli was probably named after his great-grandfather, the powerful ruler of Azcapotzalco.