Thế Lữ

Thế Lữ (June 10, 1907 – June 3, 1989; born Nguyễn Đình Lễ or Nguyễn Thứ Lễ) was a Vietnamese poet and author. He became known as one of the pioneers of the Thơ Mới Movement with several critically acclaimed and popular poems. He joined Tự Lực văn đoàn, and worked as a journalist, critic and editor for the newspapers Phong Hóa and Ngày Nay.

Thế Lữ

Thế Lữ (June 10, 1907 – June 3, 1989; born Nguyễn Đình Lễ or Nguyễn Thứ Lễ) was a Vietnamese poet and author. He became known as one of the pioneers of the Thơ Mới Movement with several critically acclaimed and popular poems. He joined Tự Lực văn đoàn, and worked as a journalist, critic and editor for the newspapers Phong Hóa and Ngày Nay.