Thallium triiodide

Thallium triiodide is a chemical compound of thallium and iodine with formula TlI3. Unlike the other thallium trihalides, which contain thallium(III), TlI3 is a thallium(I) salt and contains the triiodide ion, I3−. An appreciation as to why Tl+ is not oxidised to Tl3+ in the reaction: Tl3+ + 2 I− → Tl+ + I2 can be gained by considering the standard reduction potentials of the half cells which are: Tl3+ + 2 e− → Tl+; Er° = 1.252I2 + 2 e− → 2 I−; Er° = 0.5355 The favoured reaction is therefore the reduction of Tl3+ (1.252 > 0.5355).

Thallium triiodide

Thallium triiodide is a chemical compound of thallium and iodine with formula TlI3. Unlike the other thallium trihalides, which contain thallium(III), TlI3 is a thallium(I) salt and contains the triiodide ion, I3−. An appreciation as to why Tl+ is not oxidised to Tl3+ in the reaction: Tl3+ + 2 I− → Tl+ + I2 can be gained by considering the standard reduction potentials of the half cells which are: Tl3+ + 2 e− → Tl+; Er° = 1.252I2 + 2 e− → 2 I−; Er° = 0.5355 The favoured reaction is therefore the reduction of Tl3+ (1.252 > 0.5355).