Thane Krios

Thane Krios is a fictional character in BioWare's Mass Effect franchise, who first appeared in Mass Effect 2 as a party member (or "squadmate"). The character is a drell, a race of extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids who form a sociopolitical alliance with the hanar, a species of jellyfish-like entities known for their strict adherence to polite speech and proper etiquette. He is a highly skilled professional assassin who utilizes a mixture of stealth, firearms, hand-to-hand combat techniques, and biotic powers. Thane Krios is voiced by Keythe Farley.

Thane Krios

Thane Krios is a fictional character in BioWare's Mass Effect franchise, who first appeared in Mass Effect 2 as a party member (or "squadmate"). The character is a drell, a race of extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids who form a sociopolitical alliance with the hanar, a species of jellyfish-like entities known for their strict adherence to polite speech and proper etiquette. He is a highly skilled professional assassin who utilizes a mixture of stealth, firearms, hand-to-hand combat techniques, and biotic powers. Thane Krios is voiced by Keythe Farley.