That Four-Letter Word

That Four Letter Word is an Indian independent English-language film from India written and directed by Sudhish Kamath. The film, which is about a group of friends at the crossroads of life, features a set of new actors including Aashil Nair, Cary Edwards, Evam Sunill, Usha Seetharam, Paloma Rao, Praveen Bharatwaj and Roshni Menon. The film premiered at the Chennai International Film Festival on 21 December 2006 and had a limited release in Chennai on 23 February 2007.

That Four-Letter Word

That Four Letter Word is an Indian independent English-language film from India written and directed by Sudhish Kamath. The film, which is about a group of friends at the crossroads of life, features a set of new actors including Aashil Nair, Cary Edwards, Evam Sunill, Usha Seetharam, Paloma Rao, Praveen Bharatwaj and Roshni Menon. The film premiered at the Chennai International Film Festival on 21 December 2006 and had a limited release in Chennai on 23 February 2007.