The 10%ers

The 10%ers is a British television comedy series, broadcast on ITV. Set in the office of a theatrical agent, it began as a pilot in 1993 shown as part of ITV's short-lived Comedy Playhouse (not to be confused with the BBC's long-running Comedy Playhouse), then ran for two series, shown in 1994 and 1996. The regular cast were: Clive Francis, who played the main character Dominic Eden, Benedict Taylor as Atin, Colin Stinton as Tony, and Elizabeth Bennett as Joan. There were cameo appearances from Jonathan Ross and Nicholas Parsons.

The 10%ers

The 10%ers is a British television comedy series, broadcast on ITV. Set in the office of a theatrical agent, it began as a pilot in 1993 shown as part of ITV's short-lived Comedy Playhouse (not to be confused with the BBC's long-running Comedy Playhouse), then ran for two series, shown in 1994 and 1996. The regular cast were: Clive Francis, who played the main character Dominic Eden, Benedict Taylor as Atin, Colin Stinton as Tony, and Elizabeth Bennett as Joan. There were cameo appearances from Jonathan Ross and Nicholas Parsons.