The Badminton Game

The Badminton Game is a 1973 painting by the English painter David Inshaw. It was inspired by the gardens of Devizes and the landscape of Wiltshire. Inshaw has described how the place gave him a feeling of "mystery and wonder". He wrote about the painting: "my main aim was to produce a picture that held a moment in time, but unlike a photograph, which only records an event. I thought a painting could give a more universal, deeper meaning to that moment by composing one instant from lots of different unrelated moments." Its original title was a line from Thomas Hardy's poem "She, to Him": Remembering mine the loss is, not the blame.

The Badminton Game

The Badminton Game is a 1973 painting by the English painter David Inshaw. It was inspired by the gardens of Devizes and the landscape of Wiltshire. Inshaw has described how the place gave him a feeling of "mystery and wonder". He wrote about the painting: "my main aim was to produce a picture that held a moment in time, but unlike a photograph, which only records an event. I thought a painting could give a more universal, deeper meaning to that moment by composing one instant from lots of different unrelated moments." Its original title was a line from Thomas Hardy's poem "She, to Him": Remembering mine the loss is, not the blame.