The Cat and the Canary (1979 film)

The Cat and the Canary is a British mystery horror comedy film directed by Radley Metzger and released in 1978. It is the sixth film adaptation of John Willard's 1922 black comedy play of the same name, following The Cat and the Canary silent version in 1927, The Cat Creeps and the Spanish-language La Voluntad del muerto ("The Will of the Dead Man") both in 1930, the Bob Hope/Paulette Goddard vehicle The Cat and the Canary in 1939, and Katten och kanariefågeln ("The Cat and the Canary"), a 1961 Swedish made-for-TV movie.

The Cat and the Canary (1979 film)

The Cat and the Canary is a British mystery horror comedy film directed by Radley Metzger and released in 1978. It is the sixth film adaptation of John Willard's 1922 black comedy play of the same name, following The Cat and the Canary silent version in 1927, The Cat Creeps and the Spanish-language La Voluntad del muerto ("The Will of the Dead Man") both in 1930, the Bob Hope/Paulette Goddard vehicle The Cat and the Canary in 1939, and Katten och kanariefågeln ("The Cat and the Canary"), a 1961 Swedish made-for-TV movie.