The Cat and the Claw

"The Cat and the Claw" is a two-part episode of Batman: The Animated Series, directed by Kevin Altieri and Dick Sebast, which aired on 5 September 1992 and 12 September 1992, respectively. Although the episodes were produced consecutively as 15th and 16th episodes of the first season, the first part aired as the series premiere and was separated from the second part, which was the eighth episode aired.

The Cat and the Claw

"The Cat and the Claw" is a two-part episode of Batman: The Animated Series, directed by Kevin Altieri and Dick Sebast, which aired on 5 September 1992 and 12 September 1992, respectively. Although the episodes were produced consecutively as 15th and 16th episodes of the first season, the first part aired as the series premiere and was separated from the second part, which was the eighth episode aired.