The Choice of Hercules (Beccafumi)

The Choice of Hercules or Hercules at the Crossroads is a c.1520-1525 oil on canvas painting by Domenico Beccafumi, now in the Museo Bardini in Florence. It is strongly influenced by Baldassarre Peruzzi's frieze at the Villa Farnesina, placing it after Beccafumi's possible trip to Rome around 1512.

The Choice of Hercules (Beccafumi)

The Choice of Hercules or Hercules at the Crossroads is a c.1520-1525 oil on canvas painting by Domenico Beccafumi, now in the Museo Bardini in Florence. It is strongly influenced by Baldassarre Peruzzi's frieze at the Villa Farnesina, placing it after Beccafumi's possible trip to Rome around 1512.