The Climax (1930 film)

The Climax is a 1930 American thriller film directed by Renaud Hoffman and written by Lillian Ducey, Julien Josephson, Leslie Mason and Clarence Thompson. The film is adapted from the play of the same name by Edward Locke. The Climax stars Jean Hersholt, Kathryn Crawford, LeRoy Mason, John Reinhardt and Henry Armetta. The film was released on January 26, 1930, by Universal Pictures.

The Climax (1930 film)

The Climax is a 1930 American thriller film directed by Renaud Hoffman and written by Lillian Ducey, Julien Josephson, Leslie Mason and Clarence Thompson. The film is adapted from the play of the same name by Edward Locke. The Climax stars Jean Hersholt, Kathryn Crawford, LeRoy Mason, John Reinhardt and Henry Armetta. The film was released on January 26, 1930, by Universal Pictures.