The Embalmer (manga)

The Embalmer (Japanese: 死化粧師, Hepburn: Shigeshōshi) is a manga series written and illustrated by Mitsukazu Mihara. It was serialized within the magazine Feel Young, and was collected into 7 volumes by Shodensha. The Embalmer was previously licensed for English release by Tokyopop, and four volumes have been released. The company Hanami has released the complete series in Poland. A 12-episode live-action drama adaption called Shigeshōshi was produced and ran on TV Tokyo, Aichi Television Broadcasting, and TVQ Kyūshū; it was later released in a boxset by the company VAP. Two CDs containing music from the series were released in November 2007. A 6-episode WEB show was produced as a spin-off, originally released on the TV Tokyo web page for Shigeshōshi and later as part of the Shigeshōshi boxs

The Embalmer (manga)

The Embalmer (Japanese: 死化粧師, Hepburn: Shigeshōshi) is a manga series written and illustrated by Mitsukazu Mihara. It was serialized within the magazine Feel Young, and was collected into 7 volumes by Shodensha. The Embalmer was previously licensed for English release by Tokyopop, and four volumes have been released. The company Hanami has released the complete series in Poland. A 12-episode live-action drama adaption called Shigeshōshi was produced and ran on TV Tokyo, Aichi Television Broadcasting, and TVQ Kyūshū; it was later released in a boxset by the company VAP. Two CDs containing music from the series were released in November 2007. A 6-episode WEB show was produced as a spin-off, originally released on the TV Tokyo web page for Shigeshōshi and later as part of the Shigeshōshi boxs