The Fifth Horseman Is Fear

The Fifth Horseman Is Fear (Czech: A pátý jezdec je strach) is a 1965 Czechoslovak film about the Holocaust that was directed by Zbyněk Brynych. Instead of depicting gas chambers and concentration camps, the film examines the subtler but equally debilitating mental effects of oppression. It gets its name from the story of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse written about in the Book of Revelation. The film uses expressionist cinematography, and its film score is set to discordant piano music.

The Fifth Horseman Is Fear

The Fifth Horseman Is Fear (Czech: A pátý jezdec je strach) is a 1965 Czechoslovak film about the Holocaust that was directed by Zbyněk Brynych. Instead of depicting gas chambers and concentration camps, the film examines the subtler but equally debilitating mental effects of oppression. It gets its name from the story of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse written about in the Book of Revelation. The film uses expressionist cinematography, and its film score is set to discordant piano music.