The Film

The Film is a 2005 Indian thriller film directed by Junaid Memon also produced along with Amitabh Bhattacharya. The film stars Mahima Chaudhry, Khalid Siddiqui, Ananya Khare, Chahat Khanna, Ravi Gossain, Vaibhav Jhalani and Vivek Madan in lead roles with Sulabha Deshpande, Mukesh Khanna, Nasser Abdullah and Rakesh Bedi in important supporting roles with a voice-over by Irrfan Khan. The film focuses on seven strugglers, after failing constantly in their attempts to enter Bollywood industry, chooses the path of crime to achieve this end.

The Film

The Film is a 2005 Indian thriller film directed by Junaid Memon also produced along with Amitabh Bhattacharya. The film stars Mahima Chaudhry, Khalid Siddiqui, Ananya Khare, Chahat Khanna, Ravi Gossain, Vaibhav Jhalani and Vivek Madan in lead roles with Sulabha Deshpande, Mukesh Khanna, Nasser Abdullah and Rakesh Bedi in important supporting roles with a voice-over by Irrfan Khan. The film focuses on seven strugglers, after failing constantly in their attempts to enter Bollywood industry, chooses the path of crime to achieve this end.