The Last News From France

The Last News From France is an English broadside ballad from the 17th century. It tells the story of Charles II's escape to France following the Battle of Worcester, as told by the man who helped him escape by dressing as a woman. Sung to the tune of When the King Enjoys His Own Again. Copies of the broadside can be found at the University of Glasgow Library, the British Library, and Magdelene College. Facsimiles are also available on-line for public consumption.

The Last News From France

The Last News From France is an English broadside ballad from the 17th century. It tells the story of Charles II's escape to France following the Battle of Worcester, as told by the man who helped him escape by dressing as a woman. Sung to the tune of When the King Enjoys His Own Again. Copies of the broadside can be found at the University of Glasgow Library, the British Library, and Magdelene College. Facsimiles are also available on-line for public consumption.