The Legend of William Tell

The Legend of William Tell is a 16-part television fantasy/drama series produced in 1998 by in New Zealand. The basic premise of the series — a crossbow-wielding rebel defies a corrupt governor — and the name of the title character were adopted from the traditional story, but the series was set in a fantasy world and featured supernatural themes. Filmed on location throughout New Zealand, the series makes use of natural scenery and has high production values. The Legend of William Tell also aired in Sri Lanka National Television with Sinhala subtitles.

The Legend of William Tell

The Legend of William Tell is a 16-part television fantasy/drama series produced in 1998 by in New Zealand. The basic premise of the series — a crossbow-wielding rebel defies a corrupt governor — and the name of the title character were adopted from the traditional story, but the series was set in a fantasy world and featured supernatural themes. Filmed on location throughout New Zealand, the series makes use of natural scenery and has high production values. The Legend of William Tell also aired in Sri Lanka National Television with Sinhala subtitles.