The Lowest Animal

The Lowest Animal, also titled Man's Place in the Animal World, is a philosophical essay written by American author Mark Twain in 1897 or 1905. Twain describes fictional experiments he did with animals in which they showed greater civility than humans. He uses satire in order to criticize humanity's continuous desire for power. The original source was prefaced by newspaper clippings which, apparently, dealt with religious persecutions in Crete. The clippings have been lost.

The Lowest Animal

The Lowest Animal, also titled Man's Place in the Animal World, is a philosophical essay written by American author Mark Twain in 1897 or 1905. Twain describes fictional experiments he did with animals in which they showed greater civility than humans. He uses satire in order to criticize humanity's continuous desire for power. The original source was prefaced by newspaper clippings which, apparently, dealt with religious persecutions in Crete. The clippings have been lost.