The Mandalorian (character)

The Mandalorian, or Mando for short, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, introduced as the protagonist and title character of the Disney+ series The Mandalorian. Orphaned as a young child, Din Djarin was adopted into the Mandalorian culture and trained as a warrior, later becoming a bounty hunter and taking the title of his people as a sobriquet. The character is rarely seen without his silver, beskar helmet, which he is forbidden by creed to remove publicly.

The Mandalorian (character)

The Mandalorian, or Mando for short, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, introduced as the protagonist and title character of the Disney+ series The Mandalorian. Orphaned as a young child, Din Djarin was adopted into the Mandalorian culture and trained as a warrior, later becoming a bounty hunter and taking the title of his people as a sobriquet. The character is rarely seen without his silver, beskar helmet, which he is forbidden by creed to remove publicly.