The Nobelity Project

The Nobelity Project is a nonprofit organisation based in Austin, Texas, USA. It was founded by Turk and Christy Pipkin in 2006, while producing the film Nobelity. The principal goals include education and bettering the lives of children across the globe. The Nobelity Project's programs relate to several issues: Nobelity in Schools, the Kenyan Water Project, and the films, Nobelity (2006) and One Peace at a Time (2009). The project works in partnership with numerous organizations, including Care, A Glimmer of Hope Foundation, Concern Worldwide and Architecture for Humanity. In 2010, the Pipkins spoke about The Nobelity Project and their most recent documentary at the 2010 TED conference.

The Nobelity Project

The Nobelity Project is a nonprofit organisation based in Austin, Texas, USA. It was founded by Turk and Christy Pipkin in 2006, while producing the film Nobelity. The principal goals include education and bettering the lives of children across the globe. The Nobelity Project's programs relate to several issues: Nobelity in Schools, the Kenyan Water Project, and the films, Nobelity (2006) and One Peace at a Time (2009). The project works in partnership with numerous organizations, including Care, A Glimmer of Hope Foundation, Concern Worldwide and Architecture for Humanity. In 2010, the Pipkins spoke about The Nobelity Project and their most recent documentary at the 2010 TED conference.