The Origin (Buffy comic)

The Origin is a series of comics set in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer universe. It retells the events of the movie by adapting, and remaining faithful to, Joss Whedon's original script. According to the Official Buffy Watcher's Guide, Whedon wrote the TV pilot episode of Buffy as a sequel to his original movie script, so this adaptation was a chance for fans to see something closer to his intended vision.

The Origin (Buffy comic)

The Origin is a series of comics set in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer universe. It retells the events of the movie by adapting, and remaining faithful to, Joss Whedon's original script. According to the Official Buffy Watcher's Guide, Whedon wrote the TV pilot episode of Buffy as a sequel to his original movie script, so this adaptation was a chance for fans to see something closer to his intended vision.