The Popular Right

The Popular Right (French: La Droite populaire, commonly known as La Droite pop) is a recognised movement within the National Rally (RN) since 2019, previously within the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) and The Republicans (LR). It was founded in 2010 as the Collectif parlementaire de la Droite populaire, a caucus of UMP parliamentarians which included 26 members of the National Assembly. The Popular Right seeks to emphasise issues such as national identity, security and immigration. Its leader is Thierry Mariani, currently an MEP.

The Popular Right

The Popular Right (French: La Droite populaire, commonly known as La Droite pop) is a recognised movement within the National Rally (RN) since 2019, previously within the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) and The Republicans (LR). It was founded in 2010 as the Collectif parlementaire de la Droite populaire, a caucus of UMP parliamentarians which included 26 members of the National Assembly. The Popular Right seeks to emphasise issues such as national identity, security and immigration. Its leader is Thierry Mariani, currently an MEP.