The Rani (Doctor Who)

The Rani is a fictional character in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. She was played by Kate O'Mara. The Rani is a renegade Time Lady, an amoral scientist who considers everything secondary to her research; she has been known to enslave entire planets such as Miasimia Goria in order to have a ready supply of experimental subjects and a place to carry out her experiments uninterrupted. Her major interest is in tinkering with other species' biochemistry — she was exiled from Gallifrey after some of her lab mice, as a result of an experiment, grew to enormous size and ate the President's pet cat, and according to The Master, "took a chunk out of him too". She was established as being the same age as the Doctor prior to revelations about the Doctor's age in "The Timele

The Rani (Doctor Who)

The Rani is a fictional character in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. She was played by Kate O'Mara. The Rani is a renegade Time Lady, an amoral scientist who considers everything secondary to her research; she has been known to enslave entire planets such as Miasimia Goria in order to have a ready supply of experimental subjects and a place to carry out her experiments uninterrupted. Her major interest is in tinkering with other species' biochemistry — she was exiled from Gallifrey after some of her lab mice, as a result of an experiment, grew to enormous size and ate the President's pet cat, and according to The Master, "took a chunk out of him too". She was established as being the same age as the Doctor prior to revelations about the Doctor's age in "The Timele