The Royal Oak, Toodyay (1849–1851)

The Royal Oak, established in 1849, was the first inn set up within the original townsite of Toodyay in Western Australia. The relatively modest building was owned by William Herbert and stood on lot R28. Most inns established in the 1840s were simple cottages where a spare room or two had been put aside for use by guests. Although Herbert had applied for lot R28 in 1845, it was not officially granted until after the first survey of the township had been carried out in 1849. His publican's license, however, was granted in July 1849.

The Royal Oak, Toodyay (1849–1851)

The Royal Oak, established in 1849, was the first inn set up within the original townsite of Toodyay in Western Australia. The relatively modest building was owned by William Herbert and stood on lot R28. Most inns established in the 1840s were simple cottages where a spare room or two had been put aside for use by guests. Although Herbert had applied for lot R28 in 1845, it was not officially granted until after the first survey of the township had been carried out in 1849. His publican's license, however, was granted in July 1849.