The Swap (TV series)

The Swap is a British television crime drama series first broadcast on ITV1 in February 2002. The two-part serial stars Jemma Redgrave and Michael Maloney as a husband and wife who engage in a house swap with an Australian family for the Christmas holidays. However, the swap goes badly wrong and results in tragedy for both families involved. The serial achieved good viewing figures, upward of 8m. The series was released on DVD on 4 April 2005.

The Swap (TV series)

The Swap is a British television crime drama series first broadcast on ITV1 in February 2002. The two-part serial stars Jemma Redgrave and Michael Maloney as a husband and wife who engage in a house swap with an Australian family for the Christmas holidays. However, the swap goes badly wrong and results in tragedy for both families involved. The serial achieved good viewing figures, upward of 8m. The series was released on DVD on 4 April 2005.