The Thief Akikazu Inoue

The Thief Akikazu Inoue (火の山, Hi No Yama) is a manga by Osamu Tezuka, and also the name of one of his books in Kodansha's line of "Osamu Tezuka Manga Complete Works" books containing a collection of Tezuka's short stories. The stories included in this book are "The Record of Peter Kürten", "Sensual Nights", "Lord Iechika Mogami", "Lay of the Rhine", and "The Thief Akikazu Inoue".

The Thief Akikazu Inoue

The Thief Akikazu Inoue (火の山, Hi No Yama) is a manga by Osamu Tezuka, and also the name of one of his books in Kodansha's line of "Osamu Tezuka Manga Complete Works" books containing a collection of Tezuka's short stories. The stories included in this book are "The Record of Peter Kürten", "Sensual Nights", "Lord Iechika Mogami", "Lay of the Rhine", and "The Thief Akikazu Inoue".