The Tiki Bar Is Open

The Tiki Bar is Open was singer-songwriter John Hiatt's sixteenth album released on September 11, 2001, the day of the 9/11 attacks. It was his last album with Vanguard Records. *Although they are uncredited, the album features backing band The Goners, the same cadre of friends who backed Hiatt in his 1988 release Slow Turning. In the 9th song, Dale Earnhardt and his No. 3 car are mentioned in the lyrics as a tribute to him. * (CD Version does credit The Goners ie. Dave Ranson, Kenneth Blevins and Sonny Landreth)

The Tiki Bar Is Open

The Tiki Bar is Open was singer-songwriter John Hiatt's sixteenth album released on September 11, 2001, the day of the 9/11 attacks. It was his last album with Vanguard Records. *Although they are uncredited, the album features backing band The Goners, the same cadre of friends who backed Hiatt in his 1988 release Slow Turning. In the 9th song, Dale Earnhardt and his No. 3 car are mentioned in the lyrics as a tribute to him. * (CD Version does credit The Goners ie. Dave Ranson, Kenneth Blevins and Sonny Landreth)