The Vikings NA

The Vikings NA is a Viking-Age re-enactment group based in the United States of America. The group was founded in 2003 as the North American arm of The Vikings (reenactment) and it currently has member groups in California, Oklahoma, Indiana, Louisiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Nebraska, Mississippi, and Washington. In January 2009 Vikings NA became independent of the UK body and incorporated in Indiana for Non profit status . While the two organizations maintain close ties over the years and has a similar structure, the Vikings NA operates independently of The Vikings.

The Vikings NA

The Vikings NA is a Viking-Age re-enactment group based in the United States of America. The group was founded in 2003 as the North American arm of The Vikings (reenactment) and it currently has member groups in California, Oklahoma, Indiana, Louisiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Nebraska, Mississippi, and Washington. In January 2009 Vikings NA became independent of the UK body and incorporated in Indiana for Non profit status . While the two organizations maintain close ties over the years and has a similar structure, the Vikings NA operates independently of The Vikings.