The West of the Imagination

The West of the Imagination is a six-part documentary series that aired weekly on PBS from September 22, 1986 to October 27, 1986. The series captured the story of the American “Wild West” as it was told through art, film, photography, music, and entertainers within broader pop culture. Created by Dr. William H. Goetzman and hosted by James Whitmore, The West of the Imagination was produced for PBS by KERA-TV, in association with the Independent Communications Association of Los Angeles and London. Alongside the series, W.W. Norton published a companion book, written by creator William H. Goetzmann.

The West of the Imagination

The West of the Imagination is a six-part documentary series that aired weekly on PBS from September 22, 1986 to October 27, 1986. The series captured the story of the American “Wild West” as it was told through art, film, photography, music, and entertainers within broader pop culture. Created by Dr. William H. Goetzman and hosted by James Whitmore, The West of the Imagination was produced for PBS by KERA-TV, in association with the Independent Communications Association of Los Angeles and London. Alongside the series, W.W. Norton published a companion book, written by creator William H. Goetzmann.