The Whistle-Blower (TV series)

The Whistle-Blower is a two-part British television drama series, created and written by playwright Patrick Harbinson, first broadcast on BBC1 on 14 April 2001. Billed as the BBC's "Big Easter Drama", the series, which stars Amanda Burton and Bill Patterson, follows Laura Tracey (Burton), a bank employee who places herself and her family in mortal danger after reporting irregularities in her firm's overseas accounts to the National Criminal Intelligence Service. When Laura learns that the transactions relate to a number of South American drug cartels, she and her family are immediately taken into the Witness Protection Programme and relocated.

The Whistle-Blower (TV series)

The Whistle-Blower is a two-part British television drama series, created and written by playwright Patrick Harbinson, first broadcast on BBC1 on 14 April 2001. Billed as the BBC's "Big Easter Drama", the series, which stars Amanda Burton and Bill Patterson, follows Laura Tracey (Burton), a bank employee who places herself and her family in mortal danger after reporting irregularities in her firm's overseas accounts to the National Criminal Intelligence Service. When Laura learns that the transactions relate to a number of South American drug cartels, she and her family are immediately taken into the Witness Protection Programme and relocated.