The Wizards of Aus

The Wizards of Aus is an Australian television comedy series which began airing on SBS on 19 January 2016. The series is directed by and stars Australian filmmaker Michael Shanks and is produced by Chris Hocking, Nicholas Colla and Sumah Hurley. It is written by Michael Shanks and Nicholas Issell. It was originally devised as a six-part online series but instead became a three-part television series. A full 6-part version was released on YouTube on 18 February 2016.

The Wizards of Aus

The Wizards of Aus is an Australian television comedy series which began airing on SBS on 19 January 2016. The series is directed by and stars Australian filmmaker Michael Shanks and is produced by Chris Hocking, Nicholas Colla and Sumah Hurley. It is written by Michael Shanks and Nicholas Issell. It was originally devised as a six-part online series but instead became a three-part television series. A full 6-part version was released on YouTube on 18 February 2016.