Theatrical troupe

Theatrical troupe (French: troupe) is a group of theatrical performers working in a theatre company or repertory theatre – originally a company of, often touring, performers. Troupes are often organized by theatre preactitioners (e.g. Bertolt Brecht's Berliner Ensemble or Tadeusz Kantor's Cricot 2). The membership in a theatrical troupe can be divided into permanent or temporary members like in the Comédie-Française (French: sociétaires and pensionnaires).

Theatrical troupe

Theatrical troupe (French: troupe) is a group of theatrical performers working in a theatre company or repertory theatre – originally a company of, often touring, performers. Troupes are often organized by theatre preactitioners (e.g. Bertolt Brecht's Berliner Ensemble or Tadeusz Kantor's Cricot 2). The membership in a theatrical troupe can be divided into permanent or temporary members like in the Comédie-Française (French: sociétaires and pensionnaires).